I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but you can also make the font option a pull-down menu. Keep in mind I know almost
nothing, but instead of this:
Step 2
Go to User Profile Fields >> Add New User Profile Field
Choose A "Single-Line Text Box"
Title: "Your Font In Posts"
Description: This is the font in which will appear in your posts. (Ex: Tahoma)
Display Size: 15
Max length of allowed user input: 20
I did:
Step 2
Go to User Profile Fields >> Add New User Profile Field
Choose A "Single-Selection Menu"
Title: Your font in posts
Description: Select the font you would like to set as default for your posts.
Arial Black
Arial Narrow
Book Antiqua
Century Gothic
Comic Sans MS
Courier New
Franklin Gothic Medium
Lucida Console
Lucida Sans Unicode
Microsoft Sans Serif
Palatino Linotype
Times New Roman
Trebuchet MS
Set default: Yes, but No First Blank Option
Field Required: No
Field editable by user: Yes
It's easier, because (from my understanding) they don't have to try to guess what fonts are available. They just click the pull-down and select. Everything else is the same.
It's working in my forum, anyway.