So I got vBouncer installed. It's connecting to my mailbox and when it finds emails in there it will delete them. I tried changing a test account on my boards to contain a bad email address. I triggered emails to that account using buddy adding, pm's, emailing, etc. Since the email did not exsist they ended up inside of the address.
Without opening the email, I ran the vBouncer Collect cron, the email vanished and this appeared in my cron log:
vBouncer Collect 01:07, 20th Jul 2006 Status:
Processed 1 emails No bounced emails found.
But whenever I look at the vBouncer Stats section it always appears as:
Quick Stats
Total bounced emails currently logged
Top bouncer [] - -
Last run with results 18:00, 31st Dec 1969
All blank. Any ideas?