How to cutomise the Link buttons on top?
Open the toplinks psd file in PS and customise them with required text and save as link_02, link_03, link_04 & link_05 also insert the link code on header of the style...
How to customise the left sidebar in the index page?
Login to your admin find style manager under styles & templates choose the redmagic>edit templates>Navigation / Bread crump template> Navbar
find <td class="sponsorbox"> below this you can cutomise the links or insert gif/adv banner as needed...
for example i have provided
<div style="margin-bottom:0px">
<img class="inlineimg" src="{IF}/icon.gif" alt="" border="0" /> <a href="
change the text
vBulletin-FAQ and insert link "
To insert new head image on the sidebar:
open the sidebar psd file and customise it as required.
How to change the text in "click here to register" image?
Open the top_join psd file in PS and edit the text as needed and save as top_join.gif and top_loggedin.gif