If they are on this page This list will say this
newthread.php User is starting a new thread in forumtitle forum
--Using a post # Viewing post #n in thread threadtitle
--Using a post # that has a title Viewing post posttitle (post #n) in thread threadtitle
--Without a post number Viewing thread threadtitle
forumdisplay.php Viewing forumtitle forum
online.php Viewing Who's Online
index.php Viewing the Main Page
newreply.php Posting a reply to threadtitle
editing a post Editing their post in thread threadtitle
search.php?action=showresults Viewing search results
search.php Using Search
memberlist Viewing the Memberlist
calender.php Viewing the calendar
misc.php?action=faq Viewing the FAQ
usercp.php In their User CP
private.php or private2.php Viewing private messages
anywhere else Browsing Board
This only applies to members listed. Guests listed are basically the same, except without the members-only functions (replying, etc.)