Generally html and php knowledge is not required to build a site with vBulletin; Basic knowledge is useful, as you will be able to make use of any of the freely released materials on this website
None of the Styles or Modifications located on this site are paid; If you need something coding and are willing to pay to attract a coder swiftly, there is the Service Requests forum where you can ask someone to create something for a fee; Just be aware that there are a few helpful threads within that forum to try and help you get the best out of Service Requests
There are many commercial websites out there for many different styles and modifications that you may or may not wish to investigate further once you have settled in to creating your new forum
If you have any questions, the people here are friendly and willing to answer you, from the most basic right up to the most advanced questions you could probably think of (just don't expect too many to answer those
