Originally Posted by Neutral Singh
Hi Jeff, sorry for a late reply... see you dont have to put the same html formatting i used for an example....
So, even the following code should work for you!!
<b>Discussions:</b> $totalthreads </br>
<b>Messages:</b> $totalposts </br>
<b>Members: </b>$numbermembers </br>
<b>Online: </b>$totalonline </b> </br>
<b>Newest :</b> <a href="$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$newuserid"><b>$newusername</b></a> (Welcome!) </br>
I am still getting the same error with the thumbnails shifting. Here is the code:
<td style="background-image:url($stylevar[imgdir_misc]/header_mid_bg.gif); background-position:top;">
<p class="headlink2">
<span class="headlink2">
<strong>Members:</strong> $numbermembers<br />
<strong>Threads:</strong> $totalthreads<br />
<strong>Posts:</strong> $totalposts<br />
<br />
<strong>Newest Member:</strong> <a href="$vboptions[bburl]/member.php?u=$newuserid">$newusername</a></span></p>
I assume this has to be in the plug-in code itself as my current template, that doesn't even use this plugin, has a shift of the photo gallery thumbnails when the plugin is activated.