Dear all,
Notification that there is a serious bug when using this hack on 3.6 (as of release candidate 1), not in its performance in its own right, but in the form of a fatal error it causes in other parts of vB when installed and enabled.
Namely, having PM AutoReply 1.25 installed on vB 3.6 rc 1 causes a serious error in the user self-registration process. Read fuller details in
vB 3.6 bug report 498 (it's not actually a vB bug, but I reported it there before we were able to determine it was being caused by this plugin).
Read that bug report for the full details. In short, having this hack installed causes the verification process for registrations to result in a 'fatal error' when a new user follows the registration link in their verification e-mail. The hack also causes the problem of new registration welcome PMs (a new feature in 3.6) not appearing in unread/total PM counts (as per bug
The long and short of this is that PM AutoReply really should be entirely uninstalled on vB 3.6, or at the very least fully disabled in
AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Manage Products, as it causes these rather serious registration errors that system moderators / admins are likely not to see first-hand (unless you routinely register for test accounts on your own system, to see how things are working).
NB: This has been an excellent hack on vB 3.5.x -- one of those I have enjoyed most and found most useful. I'm hopeful its author will release a vB 3.6 native version soon so we can get back to using it!