Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden
Announcement or stickied, that is the question.
Big black 150 pt text across the screen as a psuedo-tcat: READ THIS.
On a site I used to be on we had like advertise your website, and we used to get tons of junk so I made an announcement. It was size 30 bolded font in green (on default vb scheme). Very few people read it and still the junk came in. So I stuck a line break in and it was now 2 lines saying something like "all submissions are moderated, read here before submitting your site". Still the junk kept flying in and the read hit hardly moved.
So I made a sticky to supplement it. Again, only a couple of people read it and the junk
still came in. 70 points of bolded green font + a sticky and people just weren't reading them. I honestly don't know why - eagerness to hit new thread I guess.
So... neither.
On another site I used to be on they actually put the announcements on newthread between the message textarea input and the submit button so you more or less /had/ to read them (or at least scroll past them) before making a new thread. Some people still didn't but it was quite effective for most.