Ok I hate to double post.. but Im lost.. its late and Im tired. 3.0.9 I understand Ill have to make some phase changes, correct? Which will be applied to the reportbad phrase?
Do I have to do extras in the report.php?
Oddly.. eveyrone can report a post.. it will come up with SQL database issues like
Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO pmtextnt(fromuserid, fromusername, title, message, touserarray, iconid, dateline, showsignature)nVALUESnt(30013, 'Mysticales', '07-13-2006 REPORT: Admin/Mod General Chat - Hardrive', 'Mysticales ( mailto:mysticales@darkmystics.com ) has reported this post:
So Im just curous.. what files really need to be edited to work now? Its cute.. it doesnt email us, or PM us.. but it does make a forum thread just nothing else.. starting to feel like I am stupid on this right now. =/
Just would love to get it where it can do all 3, if anyone has a idea.. please let me know. =)