I fixed it. You have to run the following two queries to get the username and user title input fields working. If you're missing any other input fields, let me know:
[sql]UPDATE `vbplaza_item` SET `inputfields` = 'a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:10:"phrasename";s:17:"vbplaza_use rtitle";s:9:"inputname";s:9:"usertitle";s:10:"inpu tvalue";s:0:"";}}' WHERE `itemid` =14 LIMIT 1 ;[/sql]
[sql]UPDATE `vbplaza_item` SET `inputfields` = 'a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:10:"phrasename";s:16:"vbplaza_use rname";s:9:"inputname";s:8:"username";s:10:"inputv alue";s:0:"";}}' WHERE `itemid` =1 LIMIT 1 ;[/sql]
Once you've done that, go to your admincp, then to vbPlaza Maintenance, then click on Rebuild Datastore.
MGM out