I'll brb
I'll brb
ok I'm back.
Use this to get you started:
<br />
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100" height="100" align="center">
<td background="" nowrap="nowrap" no-repeat><center><img src="$post[avatarurl]" height="50" width="50"</center></td>
<br />
I'm too tired to make this but it's interesting to say the least.
Here's what you do....
Create a 100x100 pixel image you'd like to use as a background. (replace my code with your background image)
This will give you a 100x100 background and a 50x50 avatar ontop of that, centered.
That's the easy part
Now for the hard part:
You have to set conditionals for usergroups.
If administrator > use this background image and his avatar
if moderator > use this image and avatar etc..
then another conditional where you say if usergroupid != "1" & !="2" etc (all the admin and mod groups)
display normal avatar.
Basically you're saying that if the user is a staff member, the normal avatar won't show up, but instead the background and his avatar will.
And if it's a normal user then just display the avatar.
It's really not that complicated but it's a little work. You should create a plugin and template to hold all the code and then call the variable within the postbit template.
I've attached a quick demo screenshot:
1st is the name, then the user rank, then the background and avatar, then the normal avatar.