Originally Posted by CLKeenan
Quick question: would it be possible to make it so that the threads posted by the plugin counted to the forums total? Or at least the ones that people request to start a discussion based on?
How would I go about doing this?
Adding to the user post count will be included in the next version.
Originally Posted by CLKeenan
Edit #2: Would it be possible to make the image links that are included in some RSS feeds be automatically [IMG] tag?
The image links are already converted into [IMG] tags. However ... see the earlier discussion reprinted below.
but strange (minor) problem:
I have it set to create thread (talk about)....
but when it does it posts the link and some remnant code...
ie output to created reads like this:
Gears of War and Unreal Tournament 2007 - Ve3d.comurl=
the link works fine. but what's the "url="?
any ideas how to get rid of it...or what's it SUPPOSED to look like?
When the feed is created into a thread, any html img tags are converted into bbcode IMG tags. I find that the feed image tags tend to contain dynamic url's. Unless you have set vbulletin to allow dynamic img tags (admincp -> vbulletin options -> Message Posting and Editing Options -> Allow Dynamic URL for IMG Tags), vbulletin will convert the dymanic bbcode IMG tags to bbcode URL tags.