I have generated a userguide on how to use the Inferno Warning System for moderators and administrators.
The file include a html file with the instroctions to ad in your FAQ and the images used in the guide. This is ready for run to your FAQ system.
- Upload the full contense of the upload folder to the ROOT of your forum
- Copy and paste the html code to your FAQ
You should now have a complete guide for your moderators and admins for "how to use the warning system".
If you translate this guide into other languages, please leave a copy for other users of this warning system. And do please leave one of the copyright lines intact in the guide.
You can see how it looks on *** Link removed ***
This file was virus cheached by F-Secure the 10 of July 2006 12:22 CEST
This guide have been updated to version 0.2