Blaine, you've created an awesome monster here. I remember when you first posted this thread and I was quite excited that there was an easier point system out there. Now, I have to admit that I currently use vbux on my forum but like many other users on here have mentioned before, it is way too "feature rich." One of the few features that I do like is its banking system which would be a great little add-on in ICash those who "choose" to intergrate it to their site. What looks extremely promising to me is the possibility for custom shops. That is what's really going to make this hack reach the top of its game. The only problem I have is if I uninstall vbux and install ICash, do I have to revert the templates? That would really suck if I did, because they are heavily modded with other hacks. I'm going to continue to support this hack and I commend you for your efforts.