Originally Posted by westpointer
ah ... you've discovered a little secret! I never envisioned having the feeds update that often. When the scheduled task "Hourly Cleanup #1" runs, a hook into that from AboutToday updates any feeds that have not been updated within the time specified by the individual feed. So, although you can set a feed to update more often than once an hour, it will really update no more than once an hour. If you really want it to run more often than that, I can tell you what to do.
That's a good idea. I'll look into that more.
If it is easy enough to explain then yes I would like to know how to update the news every 5 minutes.
The deleting of old news articles with 0 replies would be cool. I have one user account that pulls only RSS feeds so if it's easier to delete old threads that the user creates that would work too. Another option would be to delete news articles once the links no longer work.
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