Originally Posted by shanemcse
I set the feed to update every 5 minutes but they are not updateing? Any suggestions??? It does update when I do it manually.
ah ... you've discovered a little secret! I never envisioned having the feeds update that often. When the scheduled task "Hourly Cleanup #1" runs, a hook into that from AboutToday updates any feeds that have not been updated within the time specified by the individual feed. So, although you can set a feed to update more often than once an hour, it will really update no more than once an hour. If you really want it to run more often than that, I can tell you what to do.
Originally Posted by shanemcse
How hard would it be to schedule a task to delete threads over 10 days old with no reply? I know it's probably easy but I am still new to this.
That's a good idea. I'll look into that more.