Very nice hack. Ugly thread.
Thx a lot for this cool hack, but i guess a lot of guys are bit of frustrated reading this thread and only wish to know, why they get 404s or what they should write in their htaccess-files, where to store the file and so on.
seems that 90% of the questions dangling around this cases.
so am i.
i havent read the whole thread.
i searched a while. but now i give up.
it would be very helpful to get a short faq - s.o. "if your forum-url is" then you have to "do this" and so on.
here's my question anyway...
i installed it. it works fine and produces every day some cool sitemap files.
but by now they're waiting for google to catch them. no google so far.
and... if you execute the links at as described by many others above leads to a smashing 404.

my forumurl is my rooturl is - there's where my forums at. no /forums directories or stuff like that.
i installed the latest version. i did all, like it said in the instructions.
Q: what do i have to change, to make it get accessible, for me, for google...
thx a lot!!!