Hi all, what is the big deal with $700 + for a custom skin that you like and call your own? I have been looking for skin along with some mods for
www.huligar.com/nsraweb/forum for a long time. I too have ran across (vBCore/Kody) and did not feel safe with him do to the fact that he did not want the money with pay pal. even after I made the payment with pay pal he refuse to start on the skin until it cleared. we claimed it would have taken him 2 days. (vBCore/Kody) has refunded my money and i have gone else where so you all could have done the same. I now have trueDeath working on the mod potion of the site and i must say i am happy with what he has done so far. TrueDeath does not do custom skins and i knew this going but he was willing to make all the mods that i needed to get by the same night that (vBCore/Kody) refunded my money. I now have a site that is not that nice to look at because i did the changes my self. I have look every where for some one to do a custom skin for me and no seams to be able to do it. every site that that claim to be able to it looks like the site i saw just before. on this forum I saw one unique site and now i can not find it, it was a pink site that looked very girlie, you all had a post on best skins are something. I would gladly pay for a site that did not look like it came out of a box. leave (vBCore/Kody) alone, let him make his money and provided skins like no other if that is what we is selling. if any of you can make a custom skin and willing to work with trueDeath, please pm me are him so my site can get complete.