Originally Posted by armstrong
Same here - I like icash for its simplicity. In that case, what basic functions do forums universally need? IMHO, the following:
1. points per thread
2. points per post
3. points per referral
4. points transfers (also called a donation feature, used for members to pay each other instead of routing everything to the forum admin)
5. magic transfers (for admin and mods to adjust users' points without affecting his own balance)
6. transfers log (who gave what to whom, when and how much; this is so admins have something to work with in case of disputes)
icash already has 1,2&3 above; I hope blaine can include 4,5,&6. Everything else (including the ipb integration that I can use) is just fluff, and I would rather not have them than see icash get bloated. I rather like Emmy's suggestion of having addons that we can pick and choose from.
The basic script does more than 1,2,3 in your list. Here is the current list as it appears in Admin CP:
1. Points per character posted...amount of points a user gets for each character posted in their post (would like to see this integrated with the replies and new threads points, not separated in that you choose one or the other. In other words, a base amount for adding a post, then additional points based on the LENGTH of that post).
2. Points per new thread started
3. Points per reply
4. Points on registration
5. Points per referral
6. Donate to members (Admins giving members points)
Other things I'd like to see in the BASIC (for everyone) script are:
7. Points for reading threads
8. Points for creating a poll
9. Points for voting in a poll
10. Points for each week someone is a member of your forum (as long as they have logged in that week). This rewards "loyalty" and re-visits.
Then I would like a feature where Admins could customize the points by adding urls that when members click they get points for. Examples:
a. Visiting the Chatroom url
b. Clicking the "thank you for this post" link
This way it's unique to each forum and you aren't creating separate scripts for those items if you don't run them on your forum.
Finally, I would like to see Add-ons for more complex features not coverable by the simple "points for clicking url" feature above, and that not all forums use (these would require separate installations). Examples:
i. Add-on for IbProarcade
ii. Add-on for Inferno Quiz (points for creating quiz, taking quiz)
That would be my fantasy dream setup.