Ability to Admin a forum and all sub forums
Well I have a huge forum, however I have sponsors and other forums that want there forums on mine. So I merged over the users and topics. What I did with the forums was make a forum on my main forum called whatever the forum was on the old site. Then I made all forums on the old site into subforums on the new forum that I moved them too. To help you visually see this look bellow.
My main site
Forums Root --> All forums --> Sub forums --> Sub sub forums
Lets say the forum I wanted to merge with my main forum is called forumcool on my main forum it would look like
Forums root --> All forums but I would have a forum called Forumcool --> Under the forumcool forum I would have all of forumcool's forums as subforums and if forumcool had subforums I would have sub sub forums on my main forum.
Anyway I have that all done and squared away but what I would like is for a way that I can give full control to people to admin using both admin and mod control pannels for forums. Like make a forum inside of a forum. I know this all might be confusing. If your confused post I know this is a huge project and I have coding expirence myself its just way to big for one person.