All my plugin does is look for the string: $navbar in your forumhome template. It's a unique string that should be in everyone's template, except for occassional change, as in Sam Anders' case in which there are $navbar and $navbar2.
If you'd like to position the Queue yourself, just go into the Plugin system and disable the 'Moderation Queue HTML' Plugin in the forumhome_complete category. Then take the contents of the template forumhome_moderationqueue and position them as you please. But you should note that the Queue will only work on the forumhome, if you want to put it on other pages, you'll have to make a modification.
If you'd like me to do it for you, I can -- no charge or anything like that.
Also I should note that in the next version, the Queue permissions will be set via Usergroup Permissions, rather than having to edit the template.