It does work on 3.5.4 I have it installed on mine.
It worked perfectly until I changed this as you said we could above.:
To keep track of the top threads that are currently active, no matter when they were started, change
WHERE dateline > $datecut
WHERE lastpost > $datecut
Now that Ive changed it it works and looks fine except for one thing. In the table border on top of it, it used to say Hot Topics, now its just a blank strip of color. Any idea on what might have done it?
That was the only thing I changed and then I reimported teh file and overwrite the old one.
Ok now this is really weird. I changed the file back the way it way, reimported. Still not showing the title. So I redownloaded the zip file, imported the new never edited file from the zip and still no title.
So now Ive changed it back to the lastpost instead of dateline and have no idea how to get the title up. I can see the <title></title> in the file but I dont know why its not reading it.
I have boofo's changes in place as well.