Lets think about this for a moment. Developers who post their code here do receive the benefit of a large amount of feedback that helps them refine, improve and enhance their code. They are given access to a community of beta testers, in many cases that have equal or better programming skills, that assist them in their development effort.
In return for that, as part of your TOS, can't you state that any hack that goes unsupported for a specificed period by the author reverts to a GNU GPL license? That would allow any other developer to pick up the code and continue the work, releasing it to the community, when the author is no longer available or reachable?
Its ridiculous that some very good initial work is allowed to go fallow for lack of support and that we've adopted this crazy system where no one else can pick up the ball and run with it.
Supported code should never be usurped or plagiarized. I think we all agree with that. But unsupported code should not fall to the wayside when there are other capable of advancing it.