<i>Dear x,
As the legal owner of x we are writting to you with a formal notice as assumed responsible party for the content on the former mentioned website. Our clients (your name, of your website) have found unfounded claims on your website. Details of these claims are attached on another page in detail. Obviously if this continues it becomes a legal matter as it is causing considerable damage to our (whatever its damaging, reputation, profits or whatever). If you are not able to control the content being published on your website we suggest you shut it down, as this is the only warning we will send before we ask our legal representatives to take further action against you. You may contact me, but not (your name) at any time to discuss this matter further.
("lawyers name")</i>
include details of each 'claim' that was made, by who, what time, which page etc. dont try and justify yourself as in 'which is obviously not true because everyone knows i hate dogs' just put what has been said in writing.
Im not a lawyer but if they continue then youve asked them to stop, made it clear what theyve done wrong, said that youre holding them responsible, if they dispute it thats fine, but if they just continue then they know theyve done something wrong, and then i think you have a case.
Good luck xx