I wouldnt consider it a problem of members posting, but a lack of members in general. 1271 replies with 88 guests is pretty decent. 88 members however, isn't so hot.
Don't get offended, but the overall look of your site kind of looks cartoonish to me. Most soccer enthusiasts are most likely adult range, and would probably prefer a more serious look. The creativity and abundance of color is awesome, but maybe a bit to much for your targeted cround. Some quick pointers would be to reduce your header size. 200+ height on your header is wasted space if you ask me. There also really isn't a need for dual "Member Lists, UserCP, Register, Search, etc" buttons. You might consider removing the ones in the navigation table in order to cut down on vertical height.
But... overall, your site looks good. Its definately carrying a soccer theme thats functional. Give it time and work on getting your community out there. Little things such as web linkage and consistent post count help out greatly.