Hello my name is komog... i have 3.5.3 vb system and i need some hacks:
1.I need a hack that user have X posts he can get in to the forum if he dont have the number of posts he get explain page why he cant get in.
2. I need HIDE HACK for vb 3.5.3 i tried to install all the hide hack that i found here but nothing work to me... if u have good hide hack please share with me...

3. I need hack that when i click on posts i can rename the title... like rename in windows...
4. last one... I need page, when user click on sex forum he get explain page like: "You need to be 21 years old to enter this forum, if you are older than 21 years old click ENTER.
*Sry for my english :banana:
Hope you can find all my requests.
good day... Komog.
someone? plz help me!