Only one comment? =/
Anyways, ska, I would add a light style, except for two reasons.
A) Most gamers, and, for that matter, the truly hardcore willing to delve into every aspect of a game searching high and low for glitches (which is what the site is intended for) do not have the same issue with seeing light items on dark backgrounds as you do. We're not exactly trying to make a site that's perfectly built for every person with every disability, with every nationality, and with every other sort thing that determines web design. We are trying to make a site that is directed towards a certain type of individual (the gamers).
B) The site just wouldn't...feel right with a light theme. Also, we have always had a light theme, since it started over a year ago (like I said), and I felt it was time for a bit of a change.
Anyways, anyone else care to comment?
PS: ska, did you even look at the forums? Because they're light-themed, unlike the rest of the site.