Originally Posted by christianb
Heidrich, I was on phpNuke when I was brutally hacked and from the way it is being described, my attack was similar to yours. One thing I took note of was SSH traffic. I had previously been hacked once before, a minor defacing, but I made note of the SSH traffic on that as well. This time it was much larger. It was then I requested my SSH and telnet disabled - in fact, all avenues of access other than ftp and http closed. Knock on wood, I've not had anything happen since. It was this last hacking that I had decided to move to vbulletin - away from phpNuke. Fortunately, since I worked for my ISP, and we were going to migrate to a newer box anyways, I built our next hosting box. The crack had corrupted the old mysql database. Even recreating the site wouldn't fix it. I hope your fix is easier than mine was.
All the hacking with PHPnuke made me move to vBulletin aswell. I have been hacked 5 times with PHPnuke. Everytime it was bugs in the script that needed fixing. The last one was so intensive i had to rebuild my site.

So i moved to vBulletin, it's reputation and history pulled this one over.

But it's harse to see it happen again...
As vBadvanced main website is still running i'll guess that script is more then okay. The only factor remaining is Download and Links manager. Do any users of this hack have any problems?
About SSH i believe my host doesn't allow telenet or ssh connections to the database. I'll check. I have went through the corrupt backup and found in the admin logs that they changed my templates to my board.
If i understand correctly there are no back-up programs (software) for mysql available?
Thanks for the help sofar all!!