Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
LOL. ok ok busted. some of those I was thinking were more about look, but of course one would need new features to support the look.
When I said 'motivated by flickr', I think I was saying the same as you. It's not so much that I want to produce a new photo gallery, rather what interests me is the way sites like that handle the user interface. What works for one filetype might work (or not) for another, and that's interesting to explore.
I know that you want to see tighter intergration with forums. I can see the value, but it isn't something that is very relevant for our needs. But more significantly, the more one codes for tight integration, the more one has to be 110% sure of what is going on inside VBulletin, to avoid doing damage and to keep the number of bugs low. So I hope you'll allow me (for the time being at least) not to go too far down that road.
Thanks for all your interest