Originally Posted by FASherman
If BotM becomes nothing more than a popularity contest with admins sending out emails as a voting drive, the whole idea can be tossed on the rubbish heap now.
As mentioned before, we will use an updated set of rules for the next round where we will try to make it more a contest with equal chances.
Originally Posted by FASherman
No promoting of any kind should be tolerated and based on that alone, vbHackers should be disqualified - especially if the rules are based on VB.Com which does have a rule prohibiting promotions.
None of our current rules are broken by any of the submitted sites as far as i know, so i see no reason to disqualify anyone.
We have said that we
based our rules on the ones at vb.com, we are not using their version, so we can not disqualify someone based on the rules of another site.