Originally Posted by ragtek
i got an error message today when i wanted to post a new event.
it said: "you didn't specify a username.please go back and specify one"
does anyone know why this is and how to fix it?
Im having the same problem. Help please.
Well guys, I found out a way for my problem.
I have installed
Adv. Editing Options for Mods and Admins and this hack conflicts with a lot of hack i have, for example
vB Event Forums.
What you need to do is the following (All credits go to
Paul M, i just added a line so it works with vB Events Forum):
Go to the Plugin Manager and look for the 'init_startup' hook inside the "Adv. Editing Options for Mods and Admins" Category.
Add below it ;:
// Bypass Options //
// By Paul M //
// and Edit for Event Forums by COBRAws //
$bypass_aeo = false;
if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'calendar') $bypass_aeo = true;
if ($bypass_aeo) {
$vbulletin->userinfo['editlevel'] = EDITLEVEL_AUTHOR;
// End of bypass options //
Hope it works. Worked for me.