Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden
Please help me understand something.
If i am looking for a modification, then i know what that modification should be doing, it is something i need on my board. After i found the 1 or 2 modifications that do what i need, i will look if it is done in a way that i am willing to install on my board.
I just don't understand why people would go search for "Plugins" if they have no clue what functionality they need. It just don't make sense to me, unless you are installing modifications, just for the sake of having a lot of modifications on your board.
Could someone please explain me why they so badly need to have it grouped by their technical implementation instead of functionality.
The newer people to vB are more apt to skim through the wide assortment of hacks available. And no, they really don't know what they're looking for to begin with -- not until something catches their eye and they realize how the hacks they find could enhance their forum. (Or not...)
If they're new to vB, they can't imagine the range of customizing possibilities that exist here until they browse around first.