I've got a couple daily cron jobs that crunch logs for about 30 mins each.
Originally I had the following:
//blah blah include db connection stuff
insert_log('starting crons', time());
$pop = file_get_contents('cron1.php');
insert_log('done with cron1', time());
$pop = file_get_contents('cron2.php');
insert_log('done with cron2', time());
$pop = file_get_contents('cron2.php');
insert_log('done with cron3', time());
insert_log('done with crons', time());
I can run each of the cron file seperately from my browser and they're fine, but I can't seem to get this to finish on it's own. I thought it might be because the cron files by themselves continually push out data, while this would technically hang on the file_get_contents call for like 30 minutes.
Is anyone particularly familiar with the timeouts associated with a page call, and a single execution call?
max_execution_time doesn't seem to have anything to do with it, cause that was set to 30 when I was running the crons one by one from my browser during testing.