lmao... vB is NOT by far the secureist(Spelling?) BB out there by far.
Any half wit cvan gain access to your admin/smod users with nothing less then a brute forcer.
Heres some suggestions for the OP
1) Make your mods+ have SECURE passwords. I can almost positively say yours don't. they most likely have silly dictionary words.
thats th eonly option I will give you. everyone else took the rest.
IE - Remove those permissions from your smods
- Demot the SMOD if it's the same account geting it.
This next one will sound silly. Are you SURE you paid for it? Me myself if I had an issue like this the FIRST thing I would do is talk to vb.com about it... not bring it here.. since they WOULD be the best avenue.
Also What web server do you run?
I forget any others that may be out there.. mainly because they suck. if it's apache then... get rid of it... There are a number of security hoels in apache, most have fixes out there but I doubt you would take the time to find them.
lighttpd is the most secure of them all.
I would also install things like "Base" they help you with server security.
Windows or *nix?
It is well known windows based servers have crap security in themselves. easy as pie to get into and gain control. This is why 80% of those with brains use *nix for web properties.