Originally Posted by dinodonk
just change $ret to:
$ret = GalleryEmbed::init(array('embedUri' => '/forum/gallery2.php',
also is there any way to make url rewrite module works? i would like to have member gallery url like www.domain.com/gallery/username
yes and no.... the problem is with embed mode. when you are embeded the links all goto /forum/gallery(in my case atleast). and my gallery is located at /gallery. i made a synthetic link on the linux box and that did not resolve it either(synthetic link makes a folder act as a link to another location, so /forum/gallery would point to /gallery). i would need to spend more time on it to make it work 100%, and all it does is frustrate the hell out of me when i mess with it.
i know for a FACT that the "Download Item" part works. and i think that i have the Watermark working... if you have gallery in non embed mode, it will all work 1000% correctly. but then your links in embed mode will not work correctly...