Thanx for the heads up on the template changes, I'll try to note that in the next v1.5.7 release.
As far as the other foreach errors, I have found those myself and fixed them in the v1.5.7 Beta 1 at already, so they will be fixed for the final v1.5.7 release as well.
Due to the severity of the error that is caused by installin vBulletin 3.6.0 Beta X, I will release v1.5.7 in the next couple of days without a ton of new features being added. There will be some changes in v1.5.7, but the majority of the bigger chances will have to wait for v1.5.8
I want to release v1.5.7 very quickly to be compatible with vB 3.6.0 due to the fact that vbPlaza becomes basically useless if u installed the beta on ur production server.