Originally Posted by tgreer
I'm not doing any "interpretation" at all. Nor did I ever say what you just said I said.  Simply re-read her post. She said what she said, and no one put "words in her mouth". Her sentiments and views regarding the site are contradictory and isolationist, but they are NOT ambiguous: no interpretation required.
Again, that's your interpretation. Her sentiments and views regarding the site are not in any way contradictory to me. Just because you think you're right doesn't make it so. This isn't an issue with a right/wrong. Its one way of doing something vs. another way of doing something. You're not getting your way right now and you've been throwing a tantrum. Its like you're afraid that the changes they've announced will be coming won't be what you want so you're trying to make as big a stink as possible to get your way.
To me your sentiments and views are contradictory. You want people to talk about coding, yet there have been open coding forums for a long time and, according to you, little talk of coding. Now there's finally coding talk in the coders forum and you want it to go back to how it was before, which will just stop the coders from talking. If that isn't so, then why wasn't there coding talk before? Like I said, if you want coding talk to be discussed openly for everyone, then you need to be the one to start the conversation.
Originally Posted by noppid
She has stated clearly that she is not going to budge on her position no matter how many members disagree with her and that where she can influence the decision she will.
That is exactly what she has said and I have quoted her on it. Now she can either live by her words or deny them.
link to said quote?
Her posts in this thread say nothing of the sort.
Also, you seem to give a lot of credit to Amy as a person, yet you don't think she'd be able to separate her own views on this particular subject from the wishes of the community, if they didn't happen to coincide. (which I'm sure she's had to do on numerous other issues as well). This thread was about opinions and it was asked specifically that the mods and admins share their personal views, she gave hers, now lay off. She's entitled to one just as everyone else is, even if its not the one you want her to have. Admins can still do a fine job fulfilling the wishes of the community even when they personally think another direction might be better.