Originally Posted by Freddie Bingham
I also coded the moderated/soft deleted threads feature. I didn't really think it warranted a high placement on the feature list but Kier wanted a global place to manage soft deleted threads. Our original plan was to merge the modcp into the admincp and make it all permissions based. We've since changed that plan to not allow moderators into the admincp to perform actions they currently do from the modcp. We are sure a fair number of complaints would be made about possible security breaches if moderators are allowed in the same code base as administrators.
I don't think there would be any security breaches as long as each hack made sure to specify a permission rather than just calling can_administer() for error checking (unless it's the intention to allow all admins, that is).
But I might not see the whole picture, so don't flame me for this one

As for your emphasis on the word "coded", Im sorry if I made it sound like I thought/think you steal code, because I've never thought that. It's quite obvious that, for instance, while your Infraction system has display similarities (ie how it looks on the screen) to AWS, anyone could just open the file and see tis a completely different code set.
Originally Posted by Freddie Bingham
I've always hated the modcp and thought that all of that stuff should be moved to the front end so the new plan is to merge the modcp into the user cp.
I only dislike the modcp because theres no link to it on the frontend. I heard the reason for this tho, so don't take this as complaining about it without knowing why
Originally Posted by Freddie Bingham
I'm sorry to say but I wasn't aware there was a hack to manage deleted threads already.
Bah ok then =P
Originally Posted by Freddie Bingham
So if there exists a hack to add moderator abilities into the mod cp, be forewarned, we aren't stealing it from you when 4.0 is released 
And when is that again?