Hi, I just recently installed this hack, and find it pretty cool! My members love it.
Here is my problem:
When it shows staff, it only shows out of 3 usergroups, admin, s-mod, and mods. I actually have more usergroups that are staff, so I went and edited the PHP file to make it find the rest of my staff, and it worked.
What the problem is though, I then figured out that I had to go into the template editor to make it show the individual groups. The problem is, when I have this:
($c[administrators] $vbphrase[psistats_home_admins], $c[smoderators] $vbphrase[psistats_home_smods], $c[amoderators] $vbphrase[psistats_home_amods], $c[moderators] $vbphrase[psistats_home_mods], $c[news_chiefs] $vbphrase[psistats_home_news_chiefs], $c[news_publishers] $vbphrase[psistats_home_news_pubs])
I get this:
Why are the names not showing up next to the numbers?