Originally Posted by TECK
1. No paying hacks allowed. If you want to make money, you are not welcome to advertise your products at vB.org site, in links, any way or shape of promotion schemes.
Gotta disagree bigtime on this one. When there is something I want for my site, I want the option of buying a program rather than waiting 6 months to a year for a hack to mature into what I need.
Plus we have to accept responsibility for paid programs. Some of the developers released code that made for their own site and were perfectly happy with it. They released it just so others could benefit.
Then the bugs are found, new features are requested and before long, they're working on code to the extent that it takes as much time as a part time job.
I don't care whether a list of paid add-ons is maintained here or at VB.Com, but their should be one place where we can look for paid code when the free code here isn't what we need.
Besides, if you take such a hard line, why should anyone with paid code release lite versions here?
Wrap your heads around this. Not everyone running a VB site is a hobbyist. Some are legitimate business sites, revenue producers or support sites and we don't have to take the cheapsake approach. Both types of users should be accomodated,