Just my $.02:
I honestly did think that developers came here and used our hacks as inspiration (not to steal code, obviously they code their own), and therefore I thought "cool, my soft deleted archive got included. Would be cool to have gotten a PM about it tho." because seriously, how cool wouldnt it be to get an official PM stating that a hack concept you use is being included in the defauly vBulletin ^_^
But Im not about to go cry in the corner just because I had to find out on my own
Whether or not Jelsoft uses our hacks as inspiration, as a hacker who got at least one of his hacks added to stock vBulletin (though in another form, but you know what I mean :P) I say that it feels really great. It makes me feel like what I spent hours upon hours on coding was actually worth a damn to the general public, not just forum type specific such as the RPG. Im glad that Im able to write something beyond Monster Battles