Originally Posted by Ntfu2
Thanks for the suggestion.. I've already exhausted that page... I'm looking for a more on-going dialogue and a source for how-to's, etc. that relate to building custom admincp pages. For instance....the page for that link you suggested shows the various methods for reading and writing to a database table however it doesn't show someone who has never created a admincp page before an example of using them.
Case in point... in the application I"m working on, I've created the left side nav menu with a couple menu items. ex. "add link" and "test" In the XML file these links are pointing to a file called "vba_custom_admin.php". Add link points to "?p=addlink" and test points to "p=test". When I choose "add link"
it displays my form, when I select the "test" link, it falls through all the "if" statements in my code and attempts to save data to the database. I'd like toknow how to keep it from falling through.