I must say if some people spent less time in the site feedback forum going on about how bad this community is, and more time in the other forums helping users a lot of these problems would work themselves out.
I know you all want to make your points here, but I think you all may be getting a little caught up in these heated threads.
I've been here for years, I was a member in the Chen days as well. I even used a few of TECK's hacks when I ran vBulletin 2 and I always was thankful for them and tried to help other users of his hacks when I had the time.
The staff can not control what members do here at all times, they are not baby sitters. They can write a policy and follow it until they can't stand to stay awake anymore but that is not going to fix the under lying issues of this community.
We, as members, have to step up and set an example for everyone else. We are the ones that must educate the masses, we are the ones that must give a helping hand when someone asks for it. We are the ones that make this community what it is.