Its always attractive when customers of a product can get free stuff off the backs of others, however in reality, coding large scale modifications for vB has gotten to the point where its more difficult and time consuming for people to give all their time and talent for nothing but the benefit of Jelsofts customers wanting free stuff.
Don't get me wrong, most would like to (I would prefer it that way). Just don't confuse people charging for their hard work with greed. Not everyone can give 20+ hours a week for you to have free enhancements just so Jelsofts products can seem more attractive.
Remember, its not like Jelsoft is giving anything (not even a scrap) to add-on coders. They still have to buy their license just like you do. Developing an add on, then supporting it is a VERY time draining and costly exercise.
However it can be a freaking blast if you get onto a winner! (or is that a wiener?!?)