Originally Posted by amykhar
I didn't disagree with a lot of what you said. The other parts that I did disagree with, I kept my mouth shut about  I'm learning to behave. It's not easy, but I'm learning.
I don't have the same vision for this site that Tech does. My vision of what I want this site to be exists here - it's called the coder's forum. As long as that's here, I can tolerate most other things that I may not be thrilled about.
The main thing for me here is that there are people I like to talk to about vbulletin coding here. I also like socializing with my fellow vbulletin admins. That part is still here and never went away.
This embodies the whole clique/club attitude that has been destroying this site for years.
Seems like we need more staff changes to make this the "open" development community it is touted as.
Any existing staff members that share this sentiment should leave too for "personal reasons".