well, i have gotten it down to the core.
well i more or less have it, i didn't bother to refine down the global js. Just go into the index.html file and chnage the css values to what you want and then paste the code into what ever you want. Make sure all the files are in the same directory though. You can see a demo here:
zip attached.
of course better to make several of them and put it together and then the menu's will actually be close to the actual link. If this is copy infringement feel free to remove it.
Staff Edit: Yes, unfortunatly you are right and those 2 JS-files can not be distributed like this, so zip removed. (PS I can't stop anyone to take them from their own vB install, but technically i think you would be breaking your license agreement if you are using it outside the vB board that is on your license. But i am not a legal expert, to be sure you should ask Jelsoft support).