Originally Posted by Zachery
Try to get a backup and then find a _much_ better host.
Look for a host with realistic limits, theres no way in hell he can offer anyone 10gb of storage and 100gb of bandwidth for only 15 bucks a month. At most with a host that has a very large bandwidth allotment he could have 25 people on that machine, but that means he'd also need 250gb of storage, just for websites, not including backups or the OS files tiself. So they'd need a machine with 500GB worth of storage and 2500GB of bandwidth. But that would only net this guy 375 a month, a server like that proball costs at least 200-300 a month. So chances are hes greavely over selling. which means close to 50 or 100 or 200 sites on this server. Theres no machine that could possible hold 50 or 100 websites that could each use 10GB and 100GB. Do the math 
I have a resellers account with 10 gb of storage and 100 gb of bw for $20 per month... have been with them for a long time now. NO problems whatsoever.