Originally Posted by Crist
I don't get it.
1. install software local? how does help playing in the anymedia bbcode?
I installed it anyway to try.... but didn't do anything. All I have now is a player installed on my computer that I can't read (menus in english, but all the content is still in Chinese

so will all forums membres who want to view have to install pplive?
2. how do you find a channel code? its all in chinese. can't I just repost the one you posted and will it work?
3. never got past step 1& 2 to test.
Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
google parse error: http://www.clantsu.org/forums/showpo...3&postcount=18
3.0.4 fixed the issue.
make sure you overwrite all the required files
and if google banned the iPs of your location,
just turn the proxy option on in your admincp.
don't know if its just my comp. but redid everyone AGAIN. and got the same problem. HOWEVER, the only way it fixed itself (this and otehr google videas) was "resaving" them. :/ ie: edit the post and resave it.
can't do that for all of em (too many)...but there it is.
I asked a while back about incorporating teh LDM (Links and Download Manager) jukebox into this for nice cross-hack integration. you said you'd see about it.
any chance you had time to look at that?
anyway... still AWESOME hack and looks to be a shooo win for the HACK OF THE MONTH. heck this is should be standard feature for vb.