melefire, just a suggestion you might want to email your host about, i suppose your dbs are not deleted, you mentioned ur using cpanel , which leads to the fact that if mysql was failing on the server your cpanel will see it as no db for any user , so it might be as simple as restarting mysql for you !
Normaly, even for endusers, hosts allow services to be seen in cpanel running services, check if mysql is running okey, one last resolution, sometimes for some reason the db info disappears and your dbs will fail, in such a case, from your side you will need to recreate the dbs and usernames manually ( BUT FIRST, your host should be copying /var/lib/mysql/YOURUSER_* data, when you recreate the user it will recreate the mysql connection for you and all they will have to do then is copy back replacing your folders !
Ofcourse all hosts or most of them at least have backups , so shouldnt worry too much!