I've been hired by a company, the president of which uses vBulletin sites frequently and wants me to create a Sales Call form for his test site which I just recently got installed. I'm just a simple website design guy and not an experienced vBulletin user--let alone a programmer--so here are my very dumb questions:
- What does the Install button do?
- When I take your advice on this hack (that word sounds dangerous to this newbie) to get it on the site via the Admin CP, where does it reside? I can't find it to modify the parameters.
- My client/president wants this form to be available via a button and have a drop-down menu or radio button selection allowing the user (sales person) to select the city (thread) in which the submit output will go. From your notes and the happy responses I've read, it looks like this hack is exactly what I need. I just need some remedial help in getting started.
- Can you point me to any vBulletin sites that do this kind of thing so I can have a model to emulate?
Does this qualify as the most ignorant post you've ever read?
Thanks in advance for your help.